Language and Identity Quiz

Now that we're almost at the end of the Language and Identity tutorial, test how much you've learned with this quiz!

1. Which of these factors could affect your accent and dialect?
2. Which of these words usually rhyme with each other for speakers in Northern England?
3. And which of these same words usually rhyme with each other for speakers in Northern England, but usually don't rhyme for speakers in Southern England?
4. What is the difference between an accent and a dialect?
5. Which of these groups is most likely to pick up a new word or pronunciation first?
6. Which of these are younger people in England more likely to do than older people? (Select all that apply)
7. And finally, we want to hear from you! Do you think there are any benefits to speaking with an accent and dialect that is considered to be less prestigious? What are they?There are no right or wrong answers here, just let us know what you think!