How to record

Using a Sponge as a Microphone Shield

There are a few other things that can had reduce the quality of our audio: when we record outdoors, even a little bit of wind can blow into the microphone and cause distortion. When we speak into the microphone, our breath can do the same. And sometimes when we make certain sounds, like ‘p’ it causes a popping sound on the recording.

We can reduce all of these problems using a microphone shield. Professional audio producers buy these specially made, but you can make your own by covering the microphone on your phone with a thin piece of sponge.

All you need is an ordinary kitchen sponge, like the kind you would use to clean the dishes, and a rubber band.

Cut the sponge lengthways and discard the harder scouring-pad section if it has one, so that you’re left with just a fairly thin piece of soft sponge.

Next, use the elastic band to secure the sponge over your phone’s microphone (if you have more than one microphone, you can repeat this for the other one). You now have a microphone shield!

It’s also important that while you’re recording you don’t accidentally touch the microphone with your hand – this can make a horrible sound on your recording. But if you use the sponge technique demonstrated above then this should prevent that from happening!