Being multilingual

If you speak more than one language…

When do you use your different languages? Do you use different languages in different situations?

Do you use different languages with different people?

Do you ever have to translate from one language to another?

Are there some things that are difficult to translate?

Does it feel different speaking your different languages?

Which language does the voice in your head speak? Which language do you dream in?

Do you feel proud of being able to speak more than one language? Or do you ever feel shy or embarrassed about speaking one language or another? Why?

How do other people respond when they hear you speak a language they don’t understand?

What are the good things about speaking more than one language? Why do you like it? Are there any things that you don’t like about speaking more than one language?

If you don’t speak more than one language…

When and where do you hear different languages spoken around you? What languages might you hear in the course of a normal day?

Are there people in your life who speak different languages? What languages do your friends speak, or members of your extended family? What languages are spoken in your neighbourhood?

Would you like to learn to speak other languages in the future?

Even if you only speak one language, do you change the way you speak in different situations or with different people? Are there certain words or phrases that you only use in certain situations or with certain people? Do you think this is like being multilingual?